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Unbearable Tooth Pain: Top 10 reasons and 10 Best Remedies

Taking care of your oral health nowadays has become immensely important.
The reason for this is that neglect towards oral health can lead to problems like tooth decay, tooth infection etc. When these problems become severe, you may experience unbearable tooth pain.

The threshold for each person to experience unbearable tooth pain is different. Some people get uncomfortable if they get slight caries in their tooth, while others experience severe pain with only a little caries in enamel or a little discomfort in general.

Tooth pain is experienced due to the nerves which carry pain signals from the tooth to CNS (Central Nervous System) in the brain. So, if you want to have relief from tooth pain, you should have an understanding of the pathway that this pain impulse travels from. If you block this pathway, you would not feel the pain anymore.

There are different types of nerve fibers for each type of sensation carried in the body. One of these fibers is unmyelinated C-fiber and myelinated Aσ-fiber, which carry pain signals.

Whenever there is caries or an infection in the mouth, some chemical messengers are released from the blood vessels, which carry pain signals from the pain site to the brain, and you feel the sensation of pain.

If you block these chemical messengers, by blocking their release or blocking their target site, or you block the pathway of nerve impulse, you will not feel the pain impulse. This is where things like anesthetics come into play, which block the pain impulse pathway.

Understanding the reasons for tooth pain is important because by controlling these reasons, you can actually control the level of tooth pain that you experience.

This article will help you understand all the reasons for tooth pain so that you can take care of your oral health. Also mentioned in this article are 10 of the best remedies if you are experiencing unbearable tooth pain. This will help you improve your overall life because tooth pain can adversely affect your life, as it hinders your day to day tasks.

Although there are many reasons for unbearable tooth pain, the following list is of the most common reasons out there. Having a knowledge of these reasons will prove beneficial to you if you had tooth pain in the past, and also in the future if you experience tooth pain at any point in your life.

radiograph of a carious tooth

When we don’t brush our teeth regularly, bacteria builds up on our teeth. It feeds on the food that remains on our teeth. The by-product it produces are acids, which literally eat away the protective enamel on our teeth.

Since the protective enamel is lost, underlying dentin is exposed. Whenever the fluid in dentinal tubules is stimulated, either due to temperature changes like drinking hot or cold, or due to pressure change like when sneezing or using straws, it triggers the nerves.

When these nerves are triggered, you feel the sensation of sensitivity initially. If you ignore the sensitivity that you feel in the start then it will ultimately lead to unbearable tooth pain. This is why all dentists consider oral hygiene immensely important for a healthy and prosperous life.

gum disease (pericoronitis) causing extreme toothache and unrest for the patient

The pink tissue that you see beneath the white colored tooth crown are your gums. These are also prone to diseases like infection, necrosis etc. How these infections start is another discussion. But once these are affected, the blood vessels they contain also get affected.

Since the chemical messengers in these blood vessels carry the pain signal, so when the blood vessels are affected it leads to the release of abnormal amounts of chemical messengers. The ultimate result is that you will start to feel pain if your gums are diseased.

This is why it is important to take care of your gums and avoid products like chewing tobacco or nicotine containing pouches, as these are very harmful for the gums.

patient suffering from unbearable tooth pain due to abscessed tooth which led to fascial space infection

As mentioned earlier, the bacteria that build up on the teeth can lead to caries (tooth decay). This bacteria can also travel, via the dentinal tubules, to areas below or around the tooth. Once they do this, they can build up in enclosed pockets near the tooth, leading to the formation of an abscess.

Since abscess is an abnormal founding at an otherwise normal space, it puts pressure on the vessels and nerves surrounding it. This pressure ultimately leads to unbearable tooth pain.

Similar to caries (tooth decay) cracked or broken teeth are also open for bacteria to travel to the nerves below, via the dentinal tubules, or directly.

Broken tooth is far more dangerous than a tooth which is carious, because a broken tooth is subject not only to bacteria, but also to any food you eat.

If that food particle gets stuck in the place from where the tooth is broken, you might feel unbearable tooth pain and may want to visit the dentist in an emergency.

Another common reason for unbearable tooth pain is when a new tooth is starting to erupt. Although all our childhood, we experience tooth eruption but we don’t remember if that was painful or not, right?

It is because that was, indeed, not painful at all. The reason for those eruptions not being painful was that there was enough room in the mouth for any teeth to erupt. The newly erupting teeth did not have to do anything to make their space, so you didn’t feel any kind of pain in those eruptions.

The painful eruption that we commonly go through in our life is the wisdom teeth eruption. It can erupt till the age of 25.

All other teeth are already functioning and are present in the right place. So when a new tooth (wisdom tooth in this consideration) is going to erupt in a crowded place, it will have to push the other teeth to make space. This process is very painful and you may start to feel unbearable tooth pain in the area of tooth eruption.

This can be avoided by visiting the dentist regularly, and if the dentist suspects your wisdom tooth eruption to be abnormal, he may remove it beforehand.

Mostly, whenever someone has a carious tooth, they go to the dentist and ask for a tooth-colored filling to be done. They assume that after this filling, their tooth pain due to caries will go away. But they still feel the pain despite them getting their caries removed and tooth filled.

The same thing happens to some patients after getting crowns for their broken tooth or carious tooth.

The reason for this is that the restoration of your teeth is not done properly by the dentist.

If you feel pain after getting a crown, it should subside in a few days. If it doesn’t, it means that the fitting of the crown is not accurate and that it should be fabricated again.

If you feel pain after getting a filling, it means that there are high-spots on your filling. Having high-spots means that the anatomy of your teeth has not been designed similar to what was present naturally.

So when you bite on these filled teeth, these high spots put pressure on that specific area of the tooth. This will lead to the feeling of unbearable tooth pain. Having the high-spots reduced will stop the pain sensation.

Sinuses are air filled cavities in the head and mouth region which make your head and face feel lighter. These air filled cavities can become infected due to a number of reasons.

Some of these sinuses are close to the teeth, for example the maxillary sinus. If the sinuses close to teeth are infected, the pain from these infections will be felt as if it was originating from one of our teeth, when in reality it is only sinus infection pain and not one originating from teeth.

There can be another case in which infection has travelled from your tooth to any sinus. It might be possible that you don’t feel any symptoms of tooth infection. But when this infection travels to the sinus, you might start feeling unbearable tooth pain.

Some people have the habit of grinding their teeth. Some just have this addiction of grinding their teeth, others do this when they are feeling anxious. Whatever the reason, the results are very dangerous.

Teeth grinding leads to the outer layer of protective enamel to wear off, uncovering the sensitive dentin beneath. As mentioned earlier, when this sensitive dentin is triggered due to anything, unbearable tooth pain may be felt.

Thus it is important to break this habit of teeth grinding, or if you are doing it out of nervousness, it is important to calm down your nerves and visit a therapist.

Often in injuries or road side accidents, one of our teeth is involved. The extent to which the tooth is affected due to trauma determines whether it will cause unbearable tooth pain or not.

If the tooth is so grossly damaged, and it is involved till the pulp, or even dentin, then we may experience severe pain, which will require immediate medical assistance.

Referred pain means that the source of pain is somewhere else in your body, but it is being referred to another place which is not the original source. For example, the pain of angina, which is a condition of the heart, is referred to the shoulder.

Similarly, pain may be referred to any tooth, when in reality it has nothing to do with the tooth. For example, an abscess near the maxillary (upper) tooth may have pain which is referred to the mandibular (lower) jaw.

Now that you know the reasons for tooth pain, you should have a sound knowledge of the best remedies for unbearable tooth pain.

By applying these reasons, you will feel pain-free in only a few minutes. Although many people suggest different remedies for tooth pain, the ones listed below have been scientifically proven to be effective.

pain relievers for unbearable tooth pain

The best remedy for tooth pain which is 100% effective is having OTC pain relievers. These medicines are manufactured after carefully studying individual cases of tooth pain and then coming up with a solution which actually works.

Since the most common reason for unbearable tooth pain is inflammation (due to infection), taking an oral dose of anti-inflammatory drug will relieve you from tooth pain.

The pain killers that you can take for unbearable tooth pain include Ibuprofen, Aspirin and Acetaminophen. Make sure to read the manual and instructions before taking any medicine in order to avoid any adverse side effects.

a dental patient using cold compress on the outside of cheeks because she is feeling unbearable tooth pain

When you experience unbearable tooth pain, due to infection or any other reason, the blood supply in that area is increased. Anything which decreases the blood supply will essentially decrease the sensation of pain.

Applying cold ice packs on the outside of your cheeks at the area of unbearable tooth pain will decrease the blood supply to that area. This will lead to a decreased feeling of pain sensation.

As explained in the reasons for tooth pain section that the reason may be caries, abscess, sinus infection or a broken tooth. The root cause of all these reasons is bacteria!

If you kill this bacteria, the cause will be removed and eventually you will be pain-free in no time. One of the methods of killing the causative bacteria is to rinse your mouth with warm salt water.

The tonicity of water containing salt bring the bacteria to the surface of tooth. These bacteria can not withstand the conditions of water (which contains salt) which they are introduced to. So it eliminates the offending agent and pain gets eliminated in a matter of minutes.

Clove oil is a natural remedy known for its ability to relieve tooth pain due to its active ingredient, eugenol.

Eugenol acts as a natural anesthetic and antibacterial agent. When applied to the affected area, eugenol temporarily numbs the nerves that transmit pain signals to the brain, providing immediate relief from toothache.

Additionally, eugenol’s antibacterial properties help kill bacteria in the mouth, preventing the spread of infection that can worsen the pain. It also has anti-inflammatory benefits, reducing swelling and inflammation in the affected area, which further alleviates discomfort.

Clove oil provides a simple, effective way to manage unbearable tooth pain until you can see a dentist for professional treatment.

How to Use Clove Oil For Unbearable Tooth Pain

To use clove oil for tooth pain relief, ensure you have pure clove oil.

Apply a small amount of the oil to a cotton ball or swab and place it directly on the painful tooth or gum area. You can also dilute a few drops of clove oil in a carrier oil, like olive oil, before applying it to avoid potential irritation. Leave it on for several minutes to allow the oil to work, and repeat the application as needed.

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective home remedy for managing unbearable tooth pain, primarily due to its antiseptic properties.

When hydrogen peroxide comes into contact with tissues, it releases oxygen, which helps to kill bacteria and disinfect the affected area. This is particularly useful if the tooth pain is caused by an infection, as reducing the bacterial load can reduce pain and prevent the infection from spreading.

Additionally, hydrogen peroxide can help to reduce plaque and remove debris from the teeth and gums, further relieving pain and inflammation.

How to Use Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse

To use hydrogen peroxide for tooth pain relief, start by diluting a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution with an equal amount of water. Take a small sip of this diluted solution and swish it around your mouth for about 30 seconds, focusing on the painful area.

Make sure that you spit out the solution completely afterward and rinse your mouth thoroughly with plain water to remove any residual hydrogen peroxide. This rinse can be used up to two to three times a day for temporary pain relief.

However, it is important not to swallow the solution, as ingesting hydrogen peroxide can cause stomach upset and other health issues. While hydrogen peroxide can provide temporary relief, it is essential to consult a dentist to address the underlying cause of the tooth pain.

Garlic is a powerful natural remedy for managing unbearable tooth pain due to its strong antibacterial and analgesic properties.

Allicin, the active compound in garlic, has potent antimicrobial effects that can help to kill bacteria in the mouth, which may be causing or exacerbating the tooth pain. By reducing the bacterial load, garlic can help to reduce pain and prevent further infection. Additionally, garlic has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce swelling and inflammation in the affected area, providing further relief from discomfort.

How to Use Garlic for Unbearable Tooth Pain

To use garlic for tooth pain relief, you can crush a clove of fresh garlic to release its beneficial compounds.

Apply the crushed garlic directly to the painful tooth or gum area, or mix it with a little salt for added antiseptic effects.

Allow the garlic to sit on the affected area for several minutes before rinsing your mouth with warm water. This method can provide temporary relief from tooth pain.

However, while garlic can help manage the pain, it is crucial to see a dentist for a proper diagnosis and treatment of the underlying issue causing the tooth pain.

Peppermint is a soothing natural remedy that can help manage unbearable tooth pain due to its numbing and anti-inflammatory properties.

The primary active ingredient in peppermint, menthol, acts as a natural analgesic, providing a cooling sensation that can temporarily numb the affected area, reducing the intensity of the pain. Additionally, menthol has antimicrobial properties that help to reduce the presence of bacteria in the mouth, which can prevent infections that may be contributing to the tooth pain.

How to Use Peppermint for Unbearable Tooth Pain

To use peppermint for tooth pain relief, you can steep a peppermint tea bag in hot water, then let it cool down. Once the tea bag is cool but still warm, apply it directly to the painful tooth or gum area for several minutes.

The warmth and menthol from the peppermint tea bag can help to soothe the pain and reduce inflammation.

Another method is to use peppermint essential oil. Dilute a few drops of peppermint oil in a carrier oil, such as coconut or olive oil, and apply it to the affected area with a cotton ball. While peppermint can provide temporary relief, it is important to consult a dentist for proper diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause of your tooth pain.

Correct method of using Peppermint Oil for Unbearable Tooth Pain

The role of blood vessels in tooth pain and inflammation has already been discussed. What happens when you elevate your head is that less blood pools up in your head and neck region. Since the amount of pooled up blood is reduced, the sensation of pain is also reduced. This is why for those suffering from unbearable tooth pain, it is advised to use more pillows while sleeping.

acupoints for acupressure of toothache to avoid unbearable tooth pain

Acupressure is an alternative therapy that can provide relief from unbearable tooth pain by stimulating specific points on the body to promote pain relief and healing.

This technique involves applying pressure to certain acupoints, which can help to release endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, and improve blood circulation. By targeting acupoints related to oral health, acupressure can reduce the intensity of tooth pain and provide a calming effect.

The most commonly used acupoint for tooth pain is the LI4 (Large Intestine 4) point, located on the back of the hand between the thumb and index finger. Applying firm pressure to this point for a few minutes can help alleviate tooth pain and tension in the jaw.

No matter how many remedies you try to get relief from tooth pain, it is extremely important to visit the dentist as soon as possible. It might be that there is a severe underlying condition which is causing this tooth pain. Sooner the anomaly is diagnosed, sooner you will start to feel pain-free like before. If you continue to avoid going to the dentist, the problem may become severe that it may not be treated!

Also make sure that you pay regular visits to the dentist so that any abnormality can be diagnosed beforehand.

Prevention is always better than cure. If you take just a little bit of time everyday from your busy life, and dedicate it to oral health, you won’t need to be looking for remedies for unbearable tooth pain.

There are some oral hygiene practices that you must follow to take good care of your teeth and your oral health in general. These include the following:

  • Brushing your teeth twice a day
  • Using a tongue scraper
  • Using a dental floss
  • Using antibacterial mouthwash
  • Avoiding frequent snacking

Read More: 30 Ways to Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Although there are many reasons for unbearable tooth pain, the root cause is somehow related to bacteria.

Eliminating the bacteria from your mouth will lead to relief from tooth pain permanently, if not immediately.
Therefore, it is important to take care of your teeth and follow the dentist’s guidelines regularly for a good oral hygiene.

Keep in mind that if you are suffering from unbearable tooth pain, you should never ignore it because it may be the indicator of something extremely dangerous underneath. Seek professional help as soon as possible and try to avoid the triggering factors, if any.